Our Daycare
Daycare is care that is provided during the day for people who cannot look after themselves, such as small children, old people, or people who are ill.
Daycare centers not only take care of your child but also plan various activities for your kids. These activities help your kid to learn various educational concepts at a young age. Children who attend daycare facilities tend to develop social skills more quickly than children of the same age group that are reared at home.
Our Daycare
Daycare facilities are also being provided in our school where every kid is given personal attention and the child never feels far away from home
Our Timings
Monday to Saturday
Administration & Management 9 am to 5 pm
Daycare hours are 8:30 am to 7:30 pm
Daycare on Sunday as per the request.
School Hours are 8:30 am to 3 pm
Daycare facilities are also being provided in our school where every kid is given personal attention and the child never feels far away from home
- We provide purified water, hygienic food, and evening snacks, and milk at regular intervals.
- We provide mobile applications.
- In today’s world, since parents are job oriented and have very less time to spend with their children, bumblebees organize summer camps and winter camps during vacations.
- After a long period of academic studies and exams, the child needs some kind of refreshment and so taking into account, the need of every child and various activities are being conducted at this camp so that the kids can have fun and learn together.
- Baby Cradle, Bed and mattress, microwave, fridge, CCTV, Audio Visual, Experienced Maid & Teachers, Separate teachers for daycare, Drawing, Art&Craft activities, Play area for children, a bunch of toys